
我地今次有幸邀請到中國香港青年交響樂團(CHKSYO) 的樂團首席 - Joe Kwok郭健文老師試五弦琴。 我們誠意為你呈獻,五弦琴中提琴,一把擁有超廣闊音域弦樂器,就像一隊弦樂團,大提琴,中提琴,小提琴,彷彿就在你掌握之中 ,特別適合 爵士樂,流行音樂用家演奏,本款選用歐洲進口木材,每把琴都是制琴師獨一無二的作品,為專業的您提供14"15"15.5"等種大小。 

We sincerely introduce the 5-stringS Viola / Violin for you, a strings instrument with wide range of tone, similar to a mini strings orchestra. It seems you have held a cello, a viola and a violin in your hands. It is especially suitable for the jazz and pop players to perform. The design selected the timber imported from the Europe. Each instrument is the unique work by violin maker. We provide the size of 14", 15", 15.5" or even more for you.





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