Harry 哥哥的童話故事: 伊弋爾王子遠征記 · 平民貴族夢
Harry Wong’s Fairy Tales:
Prince Igor Adventure · Le Bourgeois Gentihomme
香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall
二零一八年十一月十六日 (星期五Friday)
16th November 2018 8:00pm
Live symphony orchestra performance, story-telling and projection of slides
故事敘述 Narrator: 王者匡 Harry Wong
Tickets are now available at URBTIX
票價 Ticket Price: HK$280* HK$220* HK$160*
* 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士及殘疾人士及看護人可享七折優惠
Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above and people with disabilities and the minder: 30% off
招待三歲以上人士Person below 3 years old not admitted
節目 Programme:
中國香港青年交響樂團將演譯兩個經典童畫故事,帶給小朋友、成人及長者一個難忘及精彩的晚上。交響樂團將現場演奏著名的鮑羅丁《伊弋爾王子》組曲及 斯特勞斯《平民貴族》組曲, 伴有郭健文小提琴家音樂導師Joe Kwok,Harry哥哥的童話故事敍述(粵語旁白)及幻燈片播放。
A Fairy Tales night will be presented by the China Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra for kids, adults and elderly to enjoy. Live Symphony Orchestra will perform the world famous orchestral suites of Alexander Borodin’s “Prince Igor” and Richard Strauss’s “Der Bürger als Edelmann (Le Bourgeois Gentihomme”, accompanying with narrator Harry Wong’s story-telling in Cantonese and projection of slides.
Harry Wong is a renowned magician and M.C. for children’s television programmes.