10th August 2018
2018年8月10日(星期五 Friday) 8pm
香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall
交響樂演奏 • Harry 哥哥的魔法
Orchestra performance with Harry’s magic
中國香港青年交響樂團將會帶給小朋友、成人及長者一個難忘的魔法之夜。 交響樂團的交響曲演奏將會伴有 中國香港青年交響樂團音樂總監及小提琴家郭健文,Harry哥哥的魔術表演、故事敍述及幻燈片播放。
A magical & musical programme will be presented by the China Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra for kids, adults and elderly to enjoy. The orchestra will introduce the magical stories to the audience by a live orchestral performance of orchestral works. The orchestral performance will be accompanied by Harry Wong’s magic performance, story-telling, & projection of slides.
Harry Wong is a renowned magician and M.C. for children’s television programmes.
Age: For ages 3 and above.
Ticket price 票價: HK$280 HK$220 HK$160