郭健文 中國香港青年交響樂團團長兼首席參演《交響 · 情人夢》
交響 · 情人夢 · 林子祥 <特別嘉賓>
Symphony · Nodame-Cantabile · George Lam Chi Cheung (Featuring Singer)
香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall
14.5.2017 (Sunday星期日) 3:00pm
門票現於城市售票網發售 Tickets are now available at URBTIX
票價 Ticket Price: HK$680* HK$480* HK$380* HK$280*
* 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士及殘疾人士及看護人可享八折優惠
Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above and people with disabilities and the minder : 20% off
現場交響樂團與林子祥(著名歌星)將以世界著名交響樂及經典金曲演譯 《交響 · 情人夢》音樂劇。林子祥將會獻唱的金曲包括《最愛是誰》、《分分鐘需要你》、《誰能明白我》、《每一個晚上》、《千億個夜晚 》及《友愛長存》。RX黃浩邦(國際知名beatbox藝人)與李雯希(巨星4唱作歌手及無綫藝人) 會飾演《交響 · 情人夢》音樂劇的男女主角, 郭健文 中國香港青年交響樂團團長兼首席帶給觀眾一個難忘的母親節。
Live Symphony Orchestra and George Lam Chi Cheung (Renowned Singer) will present the “Symphony · Nodame-Cantabile” Musical with world renowned symphonies and pop songs. RX Wong Ho Pong (International beatbox artist) and Lee Man Hei (Singer and artist) will play the roles of main actor and main actress in the “Symphony · Nodame-Cantabile” Musical, bringing an unforgettable experience to the audience on the Mother’s Day.
This programme is suitable for persons who are aged 3 or above and it runs for approximately 2 hours.